Saturday, March 28, 2009

Its about time I found our class's blog, thanks to Amelia, giving me the WRONG Url, i wasted the entire bloody afternoon trying every variation of "1e-09" . blah blah blah untill, err just now, at ze 11? Totally forgot Earth Hour was today... haha forgetful me:D and err, nothing else... so long

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ah, Xcountry over liao, came in 15th, not bad right... but bloody tired. so got 1 de medal and err, thats all for wad happened lah, not counting ernest fighting with me, zile, caleb, lum(jeremy), jing yong and err keane?? Then after that deciding where to go eat, i say jurong point, all say:okok. Then lum say cannot, so suggest Imm, lum say cannot again, his mother there, so how, go clementi there the mac, bloody hell, the bloody place damned full, caleb+zile+me all curse lum wasting our time then zao. At the MRT station going up saw eng heng coming down, so he follow us then after talk finish, go back the way he came,waste his time. So err, nothing else to say, this probably the longest post yet, and err nothing else, so err...... so long!?!?:)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ah, back from the L.J. so the L.J. was damned boring lah, why, becuz rain halfway lor, so must stay indoors and do the datalogger thingy and er... just slack lor, so going to upload some pics about the trip or journey or wadever u want to call it. So er, thats all folks.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So later there'll be an L.J. to Marina Barrage(see, I pro right? I remembered)Now still early la, must meet at 1210.So... this skin's cool right, there'll be more, ive just found some. So... nothing else to say, so long...

Woott!!! After fiddling with some skins, this is by far the best of the lot. I'm still looking for more, so expect more in the near future. Damned, its just so damned cool, the text cannot be seen, but who cares.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back from ncc annual camp, wtf, danged tired, slept at between 12-1am during the camp on the bloody hard classroom floor and woke up between 530-551.So got a lot of things happen durin the camp lor. For example:PUMPING! I've counted and I did about 201, about 50 per day. Think the only gd think is me promoted to PRIVATE. So can pump myleg when he comes back.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hello again..., Zile removed his blog, darned pissed, cant spam anymore... haha, Zile, no offense. So tmr gor ncc camp, darn 4 day long, then on wed must go back to school becuz of a certain P.O.S teacher.(For the meaning of P.O.S, and which teacher i'm talking about, call me. Quite risky to post the meaning) And then on fri, theres L.J to somwere(forgot where) and errr... too much H.W for hols and too little time. So...... nothing else to say, so bye.
(Theres really something wrong with the time)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is crapppppp!There's something danged wrong with my com,so no vid of kenner fighting avinash... sigh, caleb was laughing in the background... wasted...